This plugin adds a local database to ONIS 2.6 that is used to
import DICOM studies, series and images on your local hard disk. You can then
browse this local database to find, open, transfer or export images. The
database can also store your annotations and reports.
This database is based on MS-ACCESS. It is one of the
simpliest and most flexible database solutions on the market today. It has a 2GB
maximum size limitation, which is sufficient for storing tens of thousand of
DICOM images.
This plugin will add a "Local" source in ONIS 2.6 and a "Local
server" page in the preferences panel. As soon as the plugin is loaded, you can
start to import, transfer, export or open images from the local source. This
database will also be the source for other plugins such as the DICOM Server or the
Remote Server plugins.