Reading doctors have their own habits and want to display the studies and series according to their own logic. With ONIS, you can perfectly customize the layout of the studies on one or more monitors, even if they contain different modalities.
For each modality, you can define:
- One or more available monitors on which you want to display the series
- For each monitor:
- The number of views
- The visibility of the information bar and the toolbar
- For each view:
- The study to be displayed (most recent, oldest, etc...)
- For each study:
- The series to be displayed (most recent, oldest, etc...)
- The visibility of the history bar
- The image layout
- The window level preset to be assigned (optional)
- The page number to display (optional)
- The image to be displayed (by defining a tag and a value)
The ability to define a tag and a value for the image being displayed gives you amazing flexibility to select which image will display on which monitor.
For exemple, let\'s say that you want to display mamographic images on two monitors. You would like the left image to be displayed on the first monitor and the right image on the second monitor. In the layout panel settings, simply define in the MG modality that monitor one will display the image containing the tag [0020:0062] (Image Laterality) with a value equal to \'L\'; and that monitor two will display the image containing the same tag but with a value equal to \'R\'.
By defining a priority level for each modality, even the layout of studies that contain series from different modalities can be customized. By using the full history of a patient, the layout can easily be defined to compare old studies with the most recent one!