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How do I add or remove a plugin?

Adding a plugin:

Usually, you don't need to add a plugin manually. When you download a plugin from our website, you get a setup program that will install automatically the plugin.
But in case you will need for some reason to add a plugin manually, please follow these steps:

1. Open the preference panel (Click on the "Preferences" button in the database page)
2. Select the "Administration" category
3. Select the Plugins" page
4. Click the "+" button
5. Select the plugin file that you would like to install then click "OK".
6. The plugin should appear in the list of registered plugins
7. To load the plugin, double click on its "Loaded" cell
8. Select "Yes" in the pop menu
9. If you wish to start the plugin automatically when Onis starts, select also "Yes" in its "Auto load" cell

Removing a plugin:

You can remove a plugin definitely or you may want to simply avoid the plugin to be automatically loaded when Onis starts (to use it later).

To remove definitely a plugin, follow these steps:

1. Open the preference panel (Click on the "Preferences" button in the database page)
2. Select the "Administration" category
3. Select the Plugins" page
4. Click the "-" button
5. Confirm the deletion
Note: some plugin cannot be removed if they are already in use. In that case, you will need to set 'No" to its "Auto load" cell and restart Onis (see the next section).

To avoid the plugin to be automatically loaded when Onis starts:

1. Open the preference panel (Click on the "Preferences" button in the database page)
2. Select the "Administration" category
3. Select the Plugins" page
4. Select the plugin that you want to modify
5. Double click on its "Auto loaded" cell
6. Select "No" in the pop menu

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