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How to duplicate and propagate annotations?

You can duplicate any annotation or region of interest in the same image or in other images (from the same or from a different series).
You also can propagate any annotation or region of interest in the other images of the series. The propagation can be as a hard copy (all copies will be independent) or as instance (a modification of one annotation or ROI will affect all others).

Duplicate in the same image, by using the mouse:

  1. Select in an image the annotations and the regions of interest that you want to duplicate. Multiple annotations and regions of interest can be selected by clicking while holding the "Shift" key. You can unselect one selected annotation on or one selected region of interest by clicking on it while holding the "Ctrl" key.
  2. Keep you mouse above one of the selected annotations or ROI, press the left button of the mouse and hold it.
  3. While holding the left mouse button, drag your mouse in the same image to the location where you want the selected annotation and ROI to be duplicated.
  4. While holding the left button of the mouse, press the 'D' key and hold it.
  5. While holding the 'D' key, release the left button of the mouse. The selected annotations and regions of interest will be duplicated.
  6. Release the 'D' key.

Duplicate in other images, by using the standard combination of 'Ctrl + C' and 'Ctrl + V':

  1. Select in an image the annotations and the regions of interest that you want to duplicate. Multiple annotations and regions of interest can be selected by clicking while holding the 'Shift' key. You can unselect one annotation or one region of interest by clicking on it while holding the 'Ctrl' key.
  2. Press the 'Ctrl' key and hold it.
  3. While holding the 'Ctrl' key, hit the 'C' key.
  4. Release the 'Ctrl' key.
  5. In a display area, select some images by clicking on it. Multiple images can be selected by clicking while holding the 'Shift' key for continuous selection or the 'Ctrl' key for a noncontiguous selection. You can unselect a selected image by clicking on it while holding the 'Ctrl' key.
  6. Press the 'Ctrl' key and hold it.
  7. While holding the 'Ctrl' key, hit the 'V' key. The annotations and ROIs have been duplicated.
  8. Release the 'Ctrl' key.


    Note: If you keep the selection of the original image, the original annotations and the copy annotations will be superimposed.

Propagation of annotations and ROIs

When you have created some annotations or regions of interest in an image of a series, you can propagate them to others images of this series:

  1. Select in an image the annotations and the regions of interest that you want to propagate. Multiple annotations and regions of interest can be selected by clicking while holding the 'Shift' key. You can unselect one annotation or one region of interest by clicking on it while holding the 'Ctrl' key.
  2. If you don't want to propagate the selected items in all images of the series, select the images in the same series in which you want to propagate them by clicking on the image while holding the 'Shift' key for continuous selection or the 'Ctrl' key for noncontiguous selection. Take care to keep selected the image in which you have selected the annotations and regions of interest.
  3. Open the "Annotations" menu of the 2D Viewer window.
  4. Click on 'Propagate...'
  5. In the "Propagate Annotations" window, choose the options you want for the propagation and click on the "OK" button to propagate.


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